Oh my goodness. I loved it. I loved Sam, I loved Grace, I loved them together. I love the realism in the mythology and the tangible and almost three dimensional human emotions that tumble from the pages. I just couldn't stop reading. It was just perfect, I wanted everything they had, and wanted to share everything they did, but at the same time wouldn't take it from them for anything in the world.
Here's the thing about me, I don't like love stories, I find them cheesy, annoying, unbelievable or pathetic, or I find one member of the pair unable to stand. I loved these two so much, they were both so different and yet had so many qualities that made them so relatable. They were so human, which given the subject matter, is amusing. : )
Serious love! This book broke my heart, and then put it back together again. I never believe in love stories, never really care, but oh my gosh, this one just took my breath away, I want to read it again right now. *happysigh* Now if I can just find a guy like Sam I can die happy. : ) How perfect is he? *swoons*
Note that this is probably the most fangirling review I will leave, I just loved it that much. A lot more than I was expecting to. This lucky find pleased me more than I thought possible! And I won a competition to get my hands on the ARC of the sequel, Linger. How amazing is that? *faints*
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