I like the story and the characters. I didn't think the book dragged at any point, or felt like a chore to read. It wasn't as jaw dropping, or epic as my favourite books, but it was a lovely read. I really enjoyed the re telling of Cinderella, the harsh realism of it was interesting running alongside the fantasy aspects. I also really liked that even though she got her wishes, they were bittersweet because she knew the price she would have to pay. I found the love story a refreshing change, and enjoyed how natural it felt.
I did feel like the ending was a little bland though, when compared to the whirlwind of the previous pages, it seemed rather simplistic after the complications of the book. I loved the development and justification of her becoming a servant for her step mother and step sisters. It didn't feel unrealistic, or unlikely. It was casual systematic abuse of Ash, and it really gave the story more depth.
I think this is a story that I would like to re read, as it is a comfortable story that you can sink into, and read quickly.
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