I really liked it. It had surprising emotional depth, especially when dealing with the different characters feelings for one another. I loved the issues of ethics, bad people doing good deeds and vice versa. Does a positive result justify a negative action. Very thought provoking. I love complicated characters or those with flawed pasts, so this book was a real treat in that area.
I loved the characters as well. Leslie's strength and yet her fragility at surviving her trauma, I loved her and wanted to help her much! Her obsession with getting a tattoo was also a little familiar and made me want to get another.
I really liked Niall, that he was a moral character that couldn't continue to ally with who he thought the 'good guys' because of manipulation. Oh I loved him he was just delicious, as was his warring with his own inner nature. Awesome.
And Irial, oh Irial. I flew between thinking he was disgusting and feeling genuine pain for him. His is perhaps the most complicated character, because he genuinely does need to destroy people for the sake of his court. Is it justified? Was Leslie justified in being unable to stand her role in it? Oh, I just loved the complications so very much. In fact I enjoyed their pain so much I think maybe I belong in the dark court after all!
The story was a bit uneventful and nothing actually happened come to think of it. But the characters were so beautiful and the way they inter linked along with the way their pain was written was wonderful. The philosophical issues of right and wrong also made this book well worth reading. I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel... Or maybe another tattoo. ; )
Currently Reading: Beautiful Creatures By Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
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