Oh my god, read it. Oh my god, read it. Oh my god, read it! I am striving for a more lucid response but I appear to be lacking. I loved it. It is in one of my top two reads this year! And that is high praise indeed, with the amount that I read.
I read the book in an evening and it flew by. There was not a point I could have put the book down and slept happily. I NEEDED to know more. I became so invested in these characters that I would find myself gasping, hugging the book or finding myself with a horribly shocked expression on my face in the mirror.
The entire book was easy and a joy to read. I never once felt like it was an effort, or that there was a chapter that I had to 'get through'. It was just briliiant from beginning to end.
Oh and I love Derek... it's unhealthy. So i'm supposed to conclude that he's horrible, terrifying, repulsive, spotty, sweaty, smelly... I don't care I love him. : ) Every single one of his actions made me swoon, whether he was yelling, being uncomfortable, being defensive, being secretive, being honourable. I knew why he was doing all of it, and I loved him. I love him for who he is trying to be and for who he is deep down. Okay... Now that my fangirl has calmed down... All I can say. Just read the book? Please? Do it for me? *begging face*
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