A brilliant compelling mystery. But I didn't expect any less from Dan Brown. : ) When I saw this on the shelf in my local shop I squee'd and fled across the foyer, surprising my friends greatly, hehe.
I didn't relate to the concept as much as I did with A&D's/ TDC, but the action and suspense made up for that. I love that Dan Brown can keep me on the edge of my seat and teach me random completely fascinating facts at the same time. I always feel like making notes when I am reading his books. I love bizarre trivia.
I read this book in my spare time over 2 days... And I work 11 hour days, so that's how compelling this book is! The twist at the end, that I predicted just before it happened had me chanting "No, no, no!" and staring with an agonised expression at the page. I was scared to accidentally read ahead and ruin it for myself.
Definitely another page turner from the wonderful Mr Brown. If I could meet Robert Langdon I would love it. I wish I knew someone in reality who could explain forgotten symbology to me!
Currently Reading: Beautiful Creatures By Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
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