Fast paced, entertaining and nice characters that are relatable in their complications. Well written and greatly enjoyed. This was the first time in a couple of months that I read a book in one sitting. Can't wait for Arrow. I really hope that R J Anderson gets the recognition that she deserves from these YA novels.
I love the way that she makes all her characters unique and fleshes them out to give them individuality, all the while not allowing them to be defined by any one quality.
I really enjoyed the adventure of this story and the way that a friendship builds between the characters under such strange and stressful circumstances.
I also loved the gilmpses of Knife's story as well. Having such a time span between the two books was a good method of being able to answer a lot of questions off the page also. The transition that Knife made from one world to another was covered very well I felt, without detracting from the main theme of the story.
And the cover art is just delicious. : )

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