Brilliant. I read it in a day. I just REALLY didn´t want to put it down. It took a while for me to pick it up and read it, as I wasn´t particularly interested in the thought of reading it. But once it started it just pulled me along behind.
I love the major themes in this book, possibly moreso than any other I have read recently. The wars, the genocide, the metaphors that could be taken from this, brilliant. The way the discrimination entends gradually from The Spackle to the POW´s to the female population. It´s just wonderful. This book made me gasp, it made me afraid to read more and it made me cry. It also made me like Davy, which I didn´t see coming!
I loved how it showed what wars do to people, and that even good people can find themselves doing terrible things and justifying it. And how most people look the other way in wars and are easily swayed by one side or another.
I also felt myself being swayed along with the characters, and couldn´t decide who I wanted to ´win´before I decided, that no one wins in war, that´s the point.
Everyone is a master manipulator and when it comes down to it most have their own agenda. But the goodness that can sometimes be found in humanity is worth finding and keeping.
Just brilliant, masterful storytelling. With a very important message at it core. Very deep dark reading though! Definitely not light and uplifting! : )
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