"Once Grace and Sam have found each other, they know they must fight to stay together. For Sam, this means a reckoning with his werewolf past. For Grace, it means facing a future that is less and less certain. Into their world comes a new wolf named Cole, whose past is full of hurt and danger. He is wrestling with his own demon, embracing the life of a wolf while denying the ties of being human. For Grace, Sam, and Cole, life is a constant struggle between two forces- wolf and human- with love baring it's two sides as well. It is harrowing and euphoric, freeing and entrapping, enticing and alarming. As their world falls apart, love is what lingers. But will it be enough?" (From inside front page of Linger)
My love for Shiver was strong and true! The review I wrote for it can be found
Here I had insane expectations for it's sequel!
I am going to keep this spolier free for obvious reasons! I adored it, the same wonderful human emotion spills from the book, and now we have a 2 whole new POVs to see the story from. This was a wonderful way to refresh the book, and to make it different from the first in the trilogy. I loved the new character of Cole and the new perspective of Isabel. I found myself seeing her in a whole new light, when I was inside her head. I heard her say things that I myself have said (especially when it comes to men!), which made me take her a lot more seriously, I loved her matter of fact statements and her coping mechanisms.
At first I wasn't too sure about Cole, I usually have my doubts about people who choose to lead their life in a certain way, but once his history was flushed out, and his character was expanded, I began to love reading about him. He gave the book a whole different side, that was occasionally callous and self serving, but still made sense and was understandable in the context. I enjoyed his parts a lot, which was a surprise, considering how eager to read about Sam and Grace I was.
Oh Sam and Grace, finally I get around to you. How I adore you both! I just want to smush them. I love their love, which is quite extreme coming from a cynical sceptic, like myself. They make me want to believe that human nature isn't always selfish and self centred, and that people aren't always just out for what they can get. Their love is deep and emotional, but manages not to come across as unhealthy, fake, lust driven or sickly sweet. They made me believe in them.
I really enjoyed Grace's developing relationship with her parents in this book, and I shared her outrage when they acted in the manner they did. I really like Grace's independence, but that this has come at a cost of a decent parent-child relationship, makes me feel for her. She has created her own family in a way, with Sam, and I supported them being each others family. In my mind it didn't seem too soon, or rushed. Just natural.
I can't wait for the third book in this trilogy, I won't even think about the wait, because I am aware it is going to be an unnaturally long time before this book reaches the UK. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book from Maggie, as a prize in a competition. The first ARC to hit my bookshelves and I love it. I am so grateful for this opportunity and am eagerly counting down the years until I get the third book!

Currently Reading: Beautiful Creatures By Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl