Thursday 3 June 2010

Lament By Maggie Stiefvater (3.5/5)

A very enjoyable, easy read with great world building, little details and interesting background characters. The only part of the book that didn't fit right with me was the speed of the love story. It seemed to happen immediately and I usually find it hard to accept those kind of relationships, I suppose it didn't help that the main character who displayed the ability to be level headed and sensible allowed herself to even set foot on a path that was a whirlwind when she constantly accepted the fact that she knew nothing about him. Nothing at all. This was further extended when it was revealed that he was an assassin and she saw for herself how he had murdered so many people. She let herself get over that far too quickly, in my opinion, and it wasn't really portrayed as a character flaw, just an act rather out of character. I find this quite hard to accept, as outside of her actions with Luke, I really liked her as a character, it almost feels like a really close friend is making a bad decision and you really wish they would think twice before acting.

This aside, I loved the book. I liked the character of Dee, I liked the way she thought, and the way she has to find strength from deep places when she felt like she had none. I was slightly jealous that she was incredibly talented however. : ) I enjoyed reading about Luke, I like a character that it capable of being heart warming whilst also being able to kill viciously on demand. Maybe that's just me though. *whistles* I like the idea of such duplicity. Though it made it very difficult for me to trust him, or to trust any single word that he was saying, I feel that his point of view in this novel would have helped a lot, since I found him to be a fascinating character. I may enjoy this book even more when I re read it, as I will regard the character of Luke with more trust and be less wary around him.

I love the background characters and all of the mythology and the fact that the ability to see the Fae ran in her blood. I really enjoyed getting to know the different Faeries and Dee's family and friends. (The few of them that there were) I liked her getting to know her powers, and becoming used to what she could do. This part of the story was a great path to follow. Also, I adored her friend James. He was funny, loyal and a great friend. I feel like she should have been head over heels in love with him years ago. But I can understand why the ageless assassin that looked like an angel would draw her eye more than the witty, cute pipe player. : )

As soon as I put the book down I was eternally grateful that I had the sequel next to me, I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing and I want as much of it as I can get my greedy little hands on. She has a way of writing that seems almost lyrical, it can create new worlds and make you want to dance in them. I am going to start in on Ballad as soon as I finish this review. *picks up next book*

Currently Reading: Ballad By Maggie Stiefvater


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