I liked the fact that Em slowly came to terms with being Nikki. How she realised that she could still be her, and how her true friends still treated her in the same way, even though she looked different on the outside. I love her relationship with Christopher and what a roller coaster ride it is. Though I did prefer him much more with long hair. : ) Her little sister was also fun to read about in this book, and I liked how she grew more as a character
I liked how most of the characters in this book stopped being as selfish as they were previously and started to think more about how their actions were affecting their friends and others around them. The greatest example of this is with Brendan Stark and Nikki Howard herself. I loved Nikki's make over and how it made her think differently about how she perceived her own beauty.
All in all the book was rather simplistic and predictable with no major surprises. Yet it was incredibly entertaining from start to finish and never had a dull moment. I would encourage everybody to try out this author's books, as they are so easy and entertaining to read. I don't think anyone could manage not to enjoy them, unless they took themselves far too seriously! Meg Cabot's writing sparkles, and is always amusing, light and quite an addictive read. Great fun.
Currently Reading: Ballad By Maggie Stiefvater
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