Okay, I'm going to strive for some coherence in this review, as this is the most eagerly anticipated book i've read this year! It was epic. It followed the amazing adventurous pace of the first two books (One of which I have reviewed in squealing fangirlish tones
Here) Very impressive, not really slowing up at any point. I read it in one evening, which is, I think, the first time i've done that this year.
The only small niggles I had with it, was that the level of bad guys seemed a little unjustified, with very few details being given about the hierarchy and motivations, and the big show down at the end was a little bit fast and vague, feeling rushed with not as much detail as it could have had. Also the death toll was kind of harsh, I understand that when Chloe can chat to the dead anyway, it's less dramatic, but still, there was a lot of. Poof! Dead! Why? Well, Why not? : ) Other than that I adored the book from start to finish.
Some of my favourite parts of the book were the parts where Derek was a Werewolf. I am already a crazy Derek fangirl, but these parts of the book were so brilliant, they had emotional depth, danger, anticipation, humour, everything. I loved the fact that he was just Derek in a Wolf's body, completely able to communicate and think in the same way, but just left without speech. For someone who can rant every now and again these were great moments, as were the characters reactions to them. : ) I loved Wolf Derek, he was fiercely protective, but still logical, and so still HIM, that was more than I would have hoped for. And Chloe's interactions with him in this form were heart warming, sweet and so satisfying.
I also loved the scene in the cemetery. The fact that Chloe was blatantly honest about what she could do, and she was basically called a liar and a delusional child. Well, she certainly showed her. It was a great scene, full of good amounts of action, character development and brilliant descriptions that painted the scene so vividly that it felt like I was there.
One thing that did surprise me, was the fact that I enjoyed the love triangle, I really liked it. As a rule these don't always sit right with me. This one did, I think the way the characters all interlinked with affection and were all being either clueless or selfless. None of them seemed to be acting unfairly, they were all just victims of circumstance, and they all managed to leave the story with their dignity intact as a result. I sympathised with Chloe throughout, and since I am Derek's number one fangirl, and I find Simon adorable and entertaining, this was not an easy feat! So I can applaud Armstrong for that. Oh, and did I mention that I love Derek, because I do. Have done since the first book... Before Chloe even, So I win really. Right?
Oh and can I just say I looooooved Chloe and Derek's UST, like adore it. The only fault I could find is that there wasn't enough of it. I know, I know, there was a lot, but I could handle more. *beams*
I also liked that Tori was a computer genius, I found that this gave her character more depth, and made me admire her a lot more. I really enjoyed her role in the book and thought her entertaining wit provided much comedic relief in certain dark chapters. I liked her more in this book than in the last one... Which didn't seem possible considering her behaviour in the first book!
I did feel towards the end of this book a lot of loose ends were left hanging, such as, What happens now? What will happen about Tori's birth father? Will any one else who was a victim of the project be a victim? Will anyone else turn crazy and homicidal as a result? Will Chloe ever be able to speak to her mother? Why was the necklace more powerful than expected? Who was the demon and what will happen as a result? etc. I can only hope this is because the word "Trilogy" in this context means "Extremely Long Series" And Kelley decides to write more to satisfy my curiousity, and my obsession. Anyone who hasn't read these books needs to remedy that straight away and improve their quality of life. And anyone who has read them needs to force them onto their friends, to improve the lives of their loved ones. : )
Oh and did I mention that I love Derek?