The one thing I will take from the first book in this series is what an amazing writer Cassandra Clare is. Her descriptions, her characters and her humour all tumble from the page, so built up that you can almost feel a part of the world. The book is so rich in detail and yet it was easy to understand and not get lost in it. Until the identities are switched and redefined and then the first read can get a little overwhelming! : ) The second however is a lot easier.
I absolutely loved the character of Clary, she was strong, admirable and yet not perfect, she was an easy character to like, and her flaws were enough to make her realistic and yet not enough to be off putting. I enjoyed the love traingle (Octagon?) in this book and felt for each of the characters involved. They all played their parts, and every action was understandable. I liked Simon and wanted to hug him very much, and ruffle his hair. *ruffles* Unfortunately though, he was no match in my heart for the character of Jace. Oh Jace, you sexy man muffin you. : ) Just enough disdain, beauty, humour and vulnerability to make him truly amazing. And yet, he didn't seem annoying or perfect. This is probably due to the fact that he could act like a complete *insert appropriate obscenity here* However, as his character was unfolded it became clear why he behaved in the way he did, and the brief glimpses of affection that he showed were enough to make him an extremely likable character. Plus the sarcasm was awfully entertaining.
Another part of the book that I enjoyed was the easy way in which Alec's sexuality was presented. It was explained that it would have been unacceptable in a lot of circles and yet Clary accepts it without much thought. It's very refreshing for this subject to be treated so matter of factly, and I really felt for his character. If Clary thinks she feels anything for Jace she should try and see it from Alec's perspective. Caring for someone for so long and then never being able to tell them because you know it will be completely unreciprocated. All of that on top of the fact that they are closer than brothers, makes a lot of Alec's actions easy to sympathise with. I think his love may be the saddest of all. At least Simon is more likely to get closure.
The twist at the end was brilliantly plotted and wonderfully written. All tied together in a heart wrenching conclusion that will have people wringing their hands in horror. It's very satisfying in an almost cruel way. *insert evil laugh here* I would recommened this book to pretty much anyone, it is fantastic writing, plot and characters and I can't think of a reason why anyone wouldn't want to read it. Whether you're into Vampires, Werewolves, Faeries, Warlocks, Demons... This series has it all, and lots of it. Fun reading, that everyone should give a go.

I decided to post the new edtion cover at the bottom of the review, since i'm pretty sure the original UK covers are unavailable. All of the reprints will from now on be the same as the US design. I find this a little unfortunate since I quite liked the originals and would have liked a matching set. Oh well. I can endure! : )
Currently Reading: City of Ashes By Cassandra Clare
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