I would encourage absolutely anyone to read this book, as it is even better than it's predecessor. The first book set up this wonderful series and the next one knocked me over with it's wonder. Everything about the book, starting from Clary and Jace's inability to cope with their feelings given the new revelation that they must live with, was written brilliantly. I loved Jace's search for belonging during this book, I felt my heart break for him when he felt rejected by his family. The outrage I felt for him when he was being falsely accused and punished for his parentage was severe, I wanted to save him, to defend him, to slap that Inquisitor around the face. It was just all so wonderful. : )
Now I come around to Simon, oh Simon! How I adore you, you poor little guy. I just want to hug you and squish you and save you from any more pain. He is so full of good intentions. He wants Clary, and is put through so much turmoil, and yet he is still an understanding caring friend who makes it clear that he will always be there for her. I don't want to leave a major spoiler here, just in case, but his role to play in the final fight had me screaming, sobbing, throwing the book away from myself, dragging myself to the book in anguish and hugging it in desperation. That to me, makes a good book. It makes an amazing book, and if anyone doesn't think so then I think there must be something wrong with them. Hehe.
Throughout the book the humour that made the first tale such a joy to read continues and the same wonderful glowing characters return. They are all so individual and unique and yet interconnect with a level of complication that is just so realistic. I love it, and even though i've read it three times, I know I could pick it up and enjoy it all over again, right now. But, I have the third in the series to re read again next. ; )

Once again to clear up any confusion, I have posted the newer cover that anyone wanting to own the book should look for. (And if you hadn't already guessed, you should want to own this book!) : )
Currently Reading: City of Glass By Cassandra Clare
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