Look! Look! That's me! That's me with Maggie Stiefvater! No really, it is! Okay, far too many exclamations but I was fairly happy to meet someone who writes such fabulous books. My love of Maggie's books can be seen in one of my reviews Here and another Here. Sadly the event part of the day I had been expecting was not to be, it was only a signing. Though on a plus side I got there early enough to shelter from the London rain under the doorway. *beams* Also I was fed a Skinny Lemon & Poppy Seed Muffin from Starbucks. Mmm Muffin. I love any excuse to go to London. It's big, it's loud and it's shiny, I like it a lot. I'm also in love with The Underground. Getting anywhere conveniently in a few minutes, I'm a fan. *grin*
I apologised profusely for bringing more books to a signing than was polite (*cough5cough*) Three of which were mine and two were a work colleagues. In my ambition to turn the entire world to geekdom I offered to take her books across the country for her. Maggie however, graciously said it was fine and a good sign, since that meant you liked her enough after the first book to keep reading. : ) She also commented to me how people kept apologising for the bad weather. She said it was expected of England, and it would make more sense to continue apologising if they were struck with a tropical heat wave that they had stolen from another country. She was as lovely as expected.
I then got to explore a bookshop for longer than was probably healthy. I found (and resisted!) a signed copy of The Gruffalo. *whimpers* and got bought the third book in the Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness. *hugs* *daydreams about a signed Gruffalo book* If anybody wants me i'll be in the corner snuggling my signed Maggie books. : )

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