Thursday 19 August 2010

A Conspiracy of Kings By Megan Whalen Turner (4/5)

This story follows the path of Sophos, the young heir to the throne of Sounis. Though, like in the previous books, his path crosses that of other familiar characters. It was very refreshing to experience this young boy grow into a strong man. His character development was well written and subtle. He changes a lot though this story and as it is described step by step none of it seems unrealistic or sudden. The gradual shaping of him into a figure of authority that was able to lead his nation was very entertaining to read. He is a very likeable individual that has the support of the reader right from the beginning.

The relationships between all of the characters are all linked beautifully, and even though the situation of all 3 countries is completely different than it was at the start of the first book, every little plot twist was written so well that it all just felt natural. It was impressive how the author could inter link all of the previous main characters lives and not have it feel forced or incongruous.

The plot once again follows the countries through various wars and demonstrates how a specific leader defends their country against attack, both externally and internally. I liked reading how Sophos was basically forced into the position of leader and had to fight to assume the position how he wished to, rather than to be a puppet of someone who felt he could be manipulated. This character's alteration from young vulnerable heir to strong leader was brilliant. My favourite part was when he lived as a slave, and found himself in a content position amongst a group of slaves. It was a completely different situation for him to find himself in, and yet he managed to find a sense of belonging amongst them. His personality developed as a result, and he found strength whilst being treated like the lowest form of being. The increase of his strength and courage made this book a very good read. I did miss Gen's POV being the primary one, but I really did find myself taking to Sophos as a character.


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