The one problem I did have with this novel was that the love story felt a little forced. I did like that it felt forced from Kyle/ Adrian's side, since he is aware that he only has a very slim chance of breaking the curse and would throw his whole self in no matter who was on the other side. Linda however, I found a little 'meh'. She did nothing for me, she had very little personality, and what she did have was general and uneventful. I think the story lacked her point of view, we have no idea why she decided to fall for 'Adrian', except for the fact that she is deep enough to look beyond appearances. To me love is a lot more complicated than that, and a number of factors result in someone falling in love, I think I would have liked to have seen some of those factors in this story. I would have liked Linda to have been more three dimensional, to maybe have more of an attitude when she is imprisoned against her will. She just seemed to be an after thought of a character. I also didn't enjoy the fact that during her separation from Adrian the explanation for her lack of contact was losing an address and being unable to find him. This seemed like a little bit simple for me, and I didn't like the damsel in distress aspect to her character either. The one part of her story I did enjoy was her relationship with her father. Having him give her away as an attempt to escape a jail sentence and continue to use drugs was a very smart idea of the author. It was a realistic way to write a type of parent who would willingly sacrifice their child. Using the justification of a drug addict was a clever method, in my opinion. Another part of the story I was dissatisfied with was the character of Kendra, I found her to lack depth and some parts of her personality were entirely unexplored. On top of that at times she seemed to stretch almost to the point of becoming a cliché. I enjoyed her at the beginning of the book but towards the end she became more unrealistic and a little dull.
In general I enjoyed the book, but only because the development of the main character was enough to compensate for the flaws found elsewhere. I enjoyed sharing Kyle's story and it was a good job that this part was written so well, or else I may have lost interest.
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