This book isn't just dark though it contains some of my all time favourite moments, the best of which is the monumental, immature fight between Mr Malfoy and Mr Weasley in Flourish & Blotts. They are basically scrapping, causing books to go everywhere with the twins hooting support and because of the nature of this fight this scene has remained one of my favourites for over 10 years. (Yikes that makes me feel old! :P) Another favourite moment of mine was the reaction of Mr and Mrs Weasley when finding out that Ron, Fred and George had flown Mr Weasley's enchanted car to go and rescue Harry from near imprisonment at The Dursleys. Mrs Weasley's righteous anger is wonderfully contrasted by Mr Weasley's immediate eager response of “Did you really? Did it go alright?” In fact any scene that contained the flying Ford Anglia was a great one to read, from Harry and Ron crashing into a tree that would hit them back, to the car saving them from a cluster of giant spiders with a taste for flesh.
The introduction of the character of Dobby was great. His constant attempts to save Harry's life by almost causing his death are very entertaining and he provides a very bizarre form of comic relief to the books. Professor Lockhart is another wonderful new character to this series and his vapid self obsession and vanity is another aspect of the book that is very amusing. He is the opposite to Harry in some ways. Harry is extremely famous for something he had no control over and wishes to be left alone, whereas Lockhart has grabbed at his fame greedily and loves any opportunity to show off. The scenes between him and Harry are very funny moments in Harry's school year.
The final fight between Harry and Tom Riddle/The Basilisk at the end of the book is perhaps one of my favourite confrontations of the series. It is simple and yet tense. It provides a very different aspect of Lord Voldemort to the series and Harry running from a giant monstrous snake is quite the page turner!
I can understand why when I was younger this book was my favourite out of the first three in this series. The darkness that permeates the tome is well balanced by comedic moments from new characters, and even on the 12th read I enjoyed it very much. I would suggest reading it to anyone, along with the rest of the series! (And in fact do often suggest reading it to everyone!)
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